May 2025 | DONA Birth Doula Workshop
CourseEmbark on your journey as a birth doula in just 4 days with Orgasmic Birth's DONA-approved Birth Doula Workshop. Led by renowned expert Debra Pascali-Bonaro, this comprehensive training covers the Introduction to Childbirth and DONA Birth Doula Works
Nurturing Beginnings: A Guide to Postpartum Care (EBook)
Digital downloadOur postpartum guide takes you through the new mother’s journey and into your own as you explore what it means to be “in service of a postpartum woman and her family.” Nurturing Beginnings was one of the first comprehensive postpartum training manual
Birthing Bliss: Your Guide to Becoming a Doula & Building a Joyful Practice
Bengkung Belly Binding with Midwife Yesie Aprillia
CourseBengkung Belly Binding with Midwife Yesie Aprillia Yesie Aprillia is a midwife, lecturer, and coach of gentle birth in Indonesia. She is Klinik Bidan Kita’s owner, a clinic that woman and babies oriented and continuously uses and promotes gentle
License of Orgasmic Birth: The Best-Kept Secret
Orgasmic Birth Virtual Conference