Course curriculum
Vibrant Uterine Health with Dr. Eve Agee
Swaddle Yourself in Sweetness with Latham Thomas
From Trauma to Triumph, Understanding and Healing the Effects of Early Sexual Abuse on the Childbearing Woman with Penny Simkin
Oxytocin: The Only 'Drug' You Need for your Birth with Nekole Shapiro
Finding the Courage to Birth with Roanna Rosewood
The Most Empowering Experience with Piper & Chaz Lovemore
How Fear Impacts the Hormones of Pregnancy and Birth with Aviva Romm, MD
Individualizing the Birth Experience with Renee Perkins
Singing Birth: Sing Your Baby to Earth with Elena Skoko
Don’t Just Turn Your Body Over to Medicine with Lonnie Morris
The Right to Give Birth at Home with Marjolein Mensink
How Neural, Endocrine, and Perceptual Processes in Childbirth Increase Oxytocin and Orgasm with Barry Komisaruk, PhD
Unleashing the Ecstasy in Birth with Sheila Kamara Hay
Pleasures and Possibilities in Childbirth with Ricardo Jones
The Power of Birth Energy after Giving Birth with Tami Lynn Kent
Fathers To Be with Patrick Houser
Ecstatic Embodiment; Pleasure as a Pathway to Realizing our Evolutionary Potential with Amber Hartnell
Sexual Intimacy and Orgasmic Birth with Kim Anami
Using Breath to Bring Awareness to Every Moment - in Labor and Beyond with Amy Glenn
Ecstatic Birth Mother/Daughter with Moonweaver
Exploring What Gets in the Way of the Pleasure that is Part of Birth with Elizabeth Davis
Claim Your Rightful Role as the Real Expert in Your Body and Your Children with Sarah Buckley, M.D.
The Big Being in the Little Body: A New Perspective on New People with Carrie Contey, PhD

About this course
- $97.00
- 24 lessons
- 0 hours of video content